Dry Ice Blasting Compare

Cold Jet Dry Ice Blasting Dry ice is an alternative for the environment, employees and equipment easy preparation of the surface of most conventional cleaning methods. Compare your current cleaning process for dry ice blast cleaning process and see how you can add value to your business through increased productivity, reduced waste and lower costs. In short there is a complete table which details the processes of cleaning with dry thread, advantages and benefits it has.













Aplications Compare

PRICE Technologies will precent the comparison of before and after different application that we can do. Cleaning with dry ice in one of the most effective and safe for industries. Here are some photos of before and after each application.















PRICE answer your question.
Dry Ice Blasting Equipment
Buy - Rental - Services.
PRICE offers the widest selection, most reliable and most dependable Dry Ice Blasting Systems, Nozzles and Accessories on the market for all types of cleaning or surface preparation needs and budgets...
Dry Ice for Transportation
Dry Ice for Food Processing and transportation

PRICE is the leader provider of Dry Ice for transportation and storage in the Caribbean...